[SoCoSA/discuss] PostgreSQL Database Grants?

Augie Schwer augie.schwer at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 16:56:27 PDT 2006

On 7/10/06, Susan Baur <susan at cdl.edu> wrote:
> Does Postgres support roles at all? If it did, you could grant the
> privileges to a role, add the appropriate folks to the role and then
> only have to grant subsequent privileges to that role instead of all
> the people in it. Still not as easy as MySQL but worth exploring if
> it does.

Susan, thanks; Postgres understand 'groups' and you can add people to
groups, but you still can only 'grant' privileges on tables that exist
to those tables.

It's OK, I've moved past it; I'm just going to grant all privs. to a
user on a DB; I did want to grant specific privs. to specific users.

Augie Schwer    -    Augie at Schwer.us    -    http://schwer.us
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