[SoCoSA/discuss] server problems

Eric Eisenhart freiheit at socosa.org
Sun Nov 26 12:02:07 PST 2006

hello, everybody

A heads up: the server that hosts NBLUG and SoCoSA's websites and mailing
lists is having problems.  If you're seeing this, it was up for a little
bit, but it's crashed multiple times over the weekend.  The owner of the box
plans to bring it down (if its managed to stay up until then) on Monday and
work on it.

Naturally, of course, we don't really have backups of the system.  We'll try
to back up the really important stuff if it stays up long enough to do so

The next meeting should be on december 5th.  no speaker yet, though.
Eric Eisenhart <freiheit at SoCoSA.org>
SoCoSA Founder and President
IRC: freiheit on irc.socosa.org
AIM: falschfreiheit

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