[SoCoSA/discuss] Meeting: 2007/02/06: Xen Virtualization

Eric Eisenhart freiheit at socosa.org
Fri Jan 26 09:12:11 PST 2007

Hello fellow SysAdmins,

SoCoSA has a couple of exciting meetings coming up.  In just a couple of
weeks we've got Xen, then in March we'll be learning about Ruby On Rails.

And don't forget: we're meeting on the first Tuesday of the month now; no
more Wednesdays.  Same location, though.

Social/pizza hour starts at 6pm and the speaker starts at 7pm.  Show up
before 6:15pm if you want to get in on a pizza order.

   WHAT: Xen Virtualization
   WHEN: Tuesday, February 6th; 7pm (6pm for pizza/food/chatting)
  WHERE: O'Reilly in Sebastopol; 1005 Gravenstein Hwy. N
    WHO: Luke S. and Neal K. of prgmr.com; experience Xen Admins
   MORE: http://socosa.org/node/199 

Join Luke and Neal to hear about Xen, the exciting new technology that will
make your life happier and more productive.  (Don't believe anything they
say to the contrary -- they're just old and cynical.)

Xen is a virtualization technology that offers nearly all the traditional
advantages of virtualization with near-native speeds. Using Xen,
administrators can partition users into separate virtual machines,
developers can rapidly test network applications, home users can enjoy
robust checkpoints and configuration management. Right now it's all
hackerware, but the revolution is coming.

Luke Crawford and Neal Krummell have a lot of hard-won experience in the
care and feeding of Xen virtual servers. Together they run prgmr.com, an
outfit that specializes in providing Xen virtual hosts to the masses. Ask
them about it!

   O'Reilly Media Inc.; Tarsier meeting room; go between buildings on right
                        (towards lawn) and turn right
   1005 Gravenstein Hwy North
   Sebastopol, CA  95472

   Map Link: http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=1005+Gravenstein+Hwy+N,+Sebastopol,+CA+95472+(O%27Reilly+Media+Inc)+%4038.411170,-122.841720&saddr=&dq=O-Reilly+Media+Inc+1005+Gravenstein+Hwy+N+loc:+Sebastopol+CA&cid=38411170,-122841720,5369225822070264863&ie=UTF8&z=15&
Eric Eisenhart <freiheit at SoCoSA.org>
SoCoSA Founder and President
IRC: freiheit on irc.socosa.org
AIM/yahoo: falschfreiheit
Jabber/GTalk: freiheit at gmail.com

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