[SoCoSA/discuss] [OT] Non-profit, community colo open in SF

Ian McLeod ian at sfccp.net
Sat Mar 31 13:29:02 PDT 2007

(You might've already gotten this announcement on another LUG list. For
the duplicate, I apologize. It's a one-time announcement to this and
other lists intended solely to let people know about SFCCP, which has
formed since CCCP closed in January. I appreciate your patience and

Hello SoCoSA people,

I am writing because I think that people might be interested in a new
non-commercial, community network with a colocation facility in downtown
San Francisco.

If you operate a server for an open source project, a non-profit
organization or non-commercial personal use, you qualify to host your
server at the San Francisco Community Colocation Project's colo at 6th &
Brannan in downtown San Francisco.

Your share of the collectively-purchased space & bandwidth starts around

We have helped run a non-profit colo facility in the Bay Area for 5
years -- and now we are opening the doors to our newest colo in SF. We
are part of a network that includes other community colos in Seattle,
Chicago, Toronto and Washington DC.

We are also committed to the protection of online free speech. In 2003,
for example, we received a DMCA take-down order from Diebold regarding
documents that had been posted to our servers that shed an embarrassing
light on Diebold's eletronic voting machines. The Electronic Frontier
Foundation (EFF) took up the case and Diebold backed down. A corporate
colo likely would have forced the client to comply with Diebold's lawyers.

If any of this sounds good to you, please get in touch!

1) Email us -> inquire at sfccp.net
2) Call us -> (415) 887-7679
3) Check out our website -> http://www.sfccp.net/

For more information on the Diebold case, see

Thanks very much,

Ian McLeod
San Francisco Community Colocation Project

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