[SoCoSA/discuss] sftp chroot

Sean seanvanco at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 14:15:51 PST 2008

I need to chroot ssh, which I've been able to do, but as a consequence
when I try to sftp into my server my ftp clients state that sftp isn't
installed/enabled on the server (Unable to initialize SFTP:  (sftp not
enabled?) ). As far as I can tell I've copied over all the right
binaries, libs, etc, but can't confirm it as, oddly, I can't find good
documentation on the subject.

Does anyone know what I need to make ftp available to the user's
chrooted environment? I need the proftp chroot to be the user's home
directory. To complicate things, there's a 3rd party app in the middle
of this.

I may need some hands-on help with this. Is anyone willing to swap
computer parts/favors/work/etc to help me out with this? I'm in Santa
Rosa for those that don't know.


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