[SoCoSA/discuss] Meeting time / pizza hour?

Eric Eisenhart freiheit at socosa.org
Sat Jan 10 10:53:02 PST 2009


So, with the long hiatus that we were on, I think we have an opportunity to
rethink the schedule for SoCoSA meetings...

The 6pm-7pm "pizza hour" was an experiment...  and never really seemed to
catch on that much...

The 7pm-8:30pm schedule for speakers was, frankly, chosen because I get up
at 6am and getting home before 9pm was nice for me. (but any earlier would
make it so people who get off work at 6pm and aren't super-close could have
trouble making it to meetings)

First Tuesdays of the month would be hard to change, however...  The room at
O'Reilly that we use has a lot of other people using it, and there's a fair
number of other relatively local groups I wanted to avoid scheduling
conflicts with...

Giving speakers 45-90 minutes seemed "about right"; anything longer is just
too long for people to sit in one place and anything shorter than an hour
just doesn't seem likely to deliver enough value to make it worth coming to
a meeting.  Theoretically if we had the right talks, we could do multiple
shorter talks in a meeting, too, but that never managed to happen...  (2
30-40 minute talks or 3 20-25 minute talks; heck, we could even do a 10-15 5
minute talks, Ignite style.)

So, a very informal poll:
* When should meetings start?
* When should they end?
* How long should talks be?
* Should we try harder to set up a meeting with multiple speakers?
* Are you interested in a pre-meeting food thing?
  If so:
  * is an hour too long?
  * should it be at a restaurant?
  * should it be after the meeting instead?
  * should it be a different kind of food?
* Should we change locations?
Eric Eisenhart <freiheit at SoCoSA.org>
SoCoSA Founder and President
IRC: freiheit on irc.socosa.org
AIM/yahoo: falschfreiheit
Jabber/GTalk: freiheit at gmail.com

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