[SoCoSA/discuss] Meeting tomorrow (Tuesday July 6th)

Kevan Benson kbenson at socosa.org
Mon Jul 6 14:50:14 PDT 2009

Day: Tuesday July 6th
Time: 7pm for speaker, doors open at 6, be there by 6:10 for pizza order
Location: O'Reilly Media, Tarsier Room (behind the big metal tarsier)
               1005 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol; http://xrl.us/u6vz
Topic: GlusterFS
Speaker: Kevan Benson
Event Page: http://socosa.org/node/956

GlusterFS is a cluster file system with some unique characteristics, it 
has enterprise class features and is free, it uses chaining to customize 
it's features to your specific needs, and it has a fast and open 
development team that's very responsive to user requests.  Some of these 
features make it very useful in high availability and load balancing 
environments.  It's not without it's problems, though, and deciding when 
GlusterFS is feasible and when it isn't can be a hard choice.  This 
discussion will cover the features of GlusterFS, along with when it is 
and isn't the right choice for your clustering needs.

-Kevan Benson <kbenson at SoCoSA.org>
-SoCoSA President

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