[SoCoSA/discuss] [Fwd: UG News: Ignite Sebastopol June 10 at the Hopmonk Tavern]

Kevan Benson kbenson at socosa.org
Tue May 26 13:35:28 PDT 2009

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: UG News: Ignite Sebastopol June 10 at the Hopmonk Tavern
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 13:08:21 -0700
From: Marsee Henon <marsee at oreilly.com>
To: kbenson at a-1networks.com


Please share with your group members if you think they might be interested
in attending.



Ignite Sebastopol is happening Wednesday, June 10 at the Hopmonk Tavern,
from 6:00-10:00 pm. What *is* Ignite? It's a free, fast-paced,
high-energy evening of a dozen or so "speed presentations" given by
people like you to their hometown crowd. Ignite presenters get 5 minutes
to talk about their passion, using 20 slides that auto-advance every 15
seconds, whether they're ready or not. It has a geek culture bent,
though folks have talked about everything from "The Best Way to Buy a
Car" to "Hacking Chocolate" to "19th Century Pneumatic Tubes" to "Cyborg

Ignite was started by O'Reilly Media's Brady Forrest and Bre Pettis, in
Seattle in 2006. Since then, it's spread around the world, to cities
including Helsinki, Paris, Budapest, New York, Portand, Pheonix, and
Boston. It's about time we had one in O'Reilly's home town.

If you're ready for your 5 minutes of fame, submit your idea for a talk
at http://bit.ly/My9cW. Interested, but want to know more before you
take the plunge? Check out the videos of some favorite Ignite talks at
http://ignite.oreilly.com/show, and read "How to Give a Successful
Ignite Presentation" at http://bit.ly/wfBoG.

Hope to see you there. Sign up at http://igniteseb.eventbrite.com. It
may fill up, so do sign up in advance if you're coming.

Marsee Henon
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA   95472
800-998-9938, 707-827-7103
marsee at oreilly.com
Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/OReillyMedia

You are receiving this email because you are a User Group 
contact with O'Reilly Media. If you would like to stop 
receiving these newsletters or announcements from O'Reilly, 
send an email to marsee at oreilly.com

-Kevan Benson <kbenson at SoCoSA.org>
-SoCoSA President

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