[SoCoSA/discuss] GWOS, BitNami, Zenoss, New Relic, OpsCode and rPath invite your organizations to participate in OpsCAMP SF

Tara Spalding tspalding at gwoslabs.com
Wed Apr 21 18:54:49 PDT 2010


IT Ops has undergone so much change due to the advancement in technology and
also the reduction in resources ­ where we¹ve all been faced to do so much
more with so much less.  Our companies have organized a San Francisco event
­ OpsCAMP SF ( http://opscamp-sf-2010.eventbrite.com/) which is free for
anyone to attend.  OpsCAMP SF takes place on Saturday, May 15 from 9am to

The purpose of this un-conference is to get system admins, developer and
operations managers together and talk about hot topics that affect our
day-to-day jobs.  These OpsCAMPs have taken place in Boston and Austin, and
have been very successful based on networking and problem/ solution sharing.

It¹s a free to attend event, and will be capped at 200 participants.  All
participants must register ahead of time ­ preferably by May 12th so we can
order breakfast, lunch and beverages for all who attend.

If you¹d like to read a bit more of what¹s typically discussed ­ check out
this search on twitter: http://twitter.com/#search?q=opscamp

The cool part is IF you attend, you can influence the topics discussed by
proposing, hosting or provoking discussions.  It¹s really fun.  You¹ll meet
some great characters in the space outside of myself ­ Mark Hinkle will be
there, Dave Nielsen, Erica Bresca, Botchagalupe, and hopefully you as well.

If you are UNABLE to attend, we will certainly miss you. You can further
assist this cause by promoting this event within your network ­ by a simple
tweet or email with the registration URL to those who¹d find this

Here¹s a snip if you¹d prefer:
May 15 SF OpsCAMP Un-conference.  IT Ops topics, networking and good food.
Free to attend. http://opscamp-sf-2010.eventbrite.com/

Don¹t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

~ Tara Spalding
Tara Spalding
GWOS, Inc.

415-992-4531 (direct)
408-234-5449 (cell)
tspalding at gwos.com

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