About the 2 macs and 1 linux on a LAN

Scott Doty scott at sonic.net
Tue Jul 18 13:43:03 PDT 2000

On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 05:20:57PM +0000, E Frank Ball wrote:
> } I think I know about a couple of editors:  vi and emacs
> I use vi.  It isn't friendly for beginners but it is very powerful and
> fast for experienced users.  I will attach quick reference guide for vi
> that I wrote sometime back for training some people at work.

Another alternative (which I offer as an _alternative_, not because
it is "superior" to any other editor) is joe.  This friendly little
editor has been in Linux distributions since MCC (pre-TCPIP).

> You can see the file permissions with "ls -l".  Here are a couple of
> files from /usr/sbin:
(good discussion of permissions snipped)

There's also a quick-look matrix of file permission bits here:


The matrix is from an HP/UX man page, reproduced herein:

          Permission mode bits:

               +------------------ 0400  read by owner
               | +---------------- 0200  write by owner
               | | +-------------- 0100  execute (search in directory) by owner
               | | | +------------ 0040  read by group
               | | | | +---------- 0020  write by group
               | | | | | +-------- 0010  execute/search by group
               | | | | | | +------ 0004  read by others
               | | | | | | | +---- 0002  write by others
               | | | | | | | | +-- 0001  execute/search by others
               | | | | | | | | |
               r w x r w x r w x

chmod 777      r w x r w x r w x         r/w/x by all
chmod 755      r w x r - x r - x         r/x by all; w by owner
chmod 744      r w x r - - r - -         r by all; w/x by owner
chmod 700      r w x - - - - - -         r/w/x by owner only

chmod 666      r w - r w - r w -         r/w by all
chmod 644      r w - r - - r - -         r by all; w by owner
chmod 600      r w - - - - - - -         r/w by owner only
               ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^
                 |     |     |_____ OTHER
                 |     | 
                 |     |___________ GROUP 
                 |_________________ OWNER


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