[NBLUG] Pre-Announcement Announcement

Dustin Mollo dustin at sonic.net
Fri Sep 24 21:55:13 PDT 1999

Hey all!

I just wanted to let you know we've got a meeting coming up in three weeks.

Brad has put together a nice little page on the NBLUG home page thanking
some of the people that helped out at the InstallFest, and a small spoiler
about what's going on next month.  It'd be really swell if you could wander
over and take a look ... think of it as your way of saying thanks to all
those who helped out.

I don't have copy yet from our speaker, so I can put together the
announcement, but keep your eyes peeled on this mailing list and the web
site around Monday night the 27th.  I should have something by then.


Founder & President
The North Bay Linux Users' Group
dustin at nblug.org

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