[NBLUG/Announce] February 12th General Meeting: The NAND in Nand2Tetris

Allan Cecil ac at sonic.net
Mon Feb 4 10:23:08 PST 2013

Start: 2013/02/12 7:30 pm
End: 2013/02/12 ~9:00 pm
Speakers: Bill Marlin and Allan Cecil
Location: O'Reilly Media

This unique talk will cover the NAND part of the open source http://nand2tetris.org project, which has an aim of showing how to build a general-purpose computer system from the ground up.  This talk will take advantage of the Nand2Tetris hardware simulator running under Linux to delve into how NAND gates alone can be used to build other logic gates and complex circuits.  The talk's focus and depth will be driven by audience feedback and will range from physical gate construction and logic gate simulation to the Nand2Tetris project's end educational goals.

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