[NBLUG/Announce] October 13th general meeting pre-announcement: Puppet

Allan Cecil allan at nblug.org
Tue Oct 6 09:26:21 PDT 2015

I'm happy to announce that the October 13th meeting will be from Greg Larkin about Puppet (a widely deployed open source configuration management utility) and I'm sending out this E-Mail prior to a proper announce post.

A couple of weeks ago I was able to organize having Greg Larkin, an engineer from Puppet Labs, come present on the current state of Puppet.  While we were conversing about a description for the talk NBLUG's mailserver was knocked offline by a power outage and it took a few days to get it back up.  Meanwhile, Greg has been tied up because this week is PuppetConf 2015 (https://2015.puppetconf.com) in Portland, OR. Greg encouraged anyone who is interested to follow along on the live stream at http://info.puppetlabs.com/PuppetConf2015LiveStream.html throughout this week.  So, we don't yet have an official talk description but for now assume it will have something to do with Puppet. :)

We'll send out an official description and update the website as soon as possible, but in the meantime, if you or someone you know is interested in Puppet I encourage you to check out PuppetConf and make it to the next general meeting at 7:30 PM on October 13th at the O'Reilly Media campus in Sebastopol.  I'll be arriving early to add extra seating and I'm looking forward to a decent crowd for this talk.

Keep your eyes open for an official description and see you next week,

President, North Bay Linux User's Group

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