[SoCoSA/discuss] LCD Monitors and a shameless plea for help...

Christopher Wagner waggie at waggie.net
Mon Dec 10 10:42:14 PST 2007

As many of you know, I teach computers at a small non-profit private 
school for students with learning disabilities in Santa Rosa.  I'm in 
the process of replacing some failing iMacs with Linux PCs (and Windoze 
as necessary), however I'm in need of some functional LCD monitors to 
use with them and the requisite keyboards and mice.  We can afford the 
keyboards and mice if necessary, but the LCDs are truly out of our reach 
financially.  Is it possible that someone (or someones) out there is 
willing and able to part with an LCD monitor or two?  They don't need to 
be anything special, but would hopefully be 17" or larger.  We simply 
don't have the space to handle CRTs unfortunately.

A donation receipt will be happily furnished upon request and we might 
even bake up some yummies for the kind souls willing to help us out. :)

Thanks in advance for any help, folks.

I can be reached at 707-579-3724 on M-W-F, 707-974-7641 all week and 
always via email.

- Chris

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