[SoCoSA/discuss] snmpd

Bill Pitz bill at pitz.net
Mon Dec 31 15:02:07 PST 2007

Sean wrote:
> Below is an updated snmpd.conf file that I put together from a sample
> from a forum post I found. I saved the copy I put together from Eric's
> suggestions for future use/reference. At this point I have no idea
> what else to do, so I'll wait for suggestions.
You have some sort of IP connectivity issue.  I've used your exact 
configuration and it works fine, from localhost and from outside hosts.  
The fact that your request works from localhost and fails remotely 
indicates that either a.) your request is not really coming from or b.) some sort of filtering or firewalling issue is 
blocking your access.

It is possible that your vmware is doing some sort of NAT between your 
host system and the guest OS that is causing the IP addresses to be 
different.  For whatever reason, snmpd is not accepting the connections 
from your other host.  That's either because the packets never make it 
to snmpd itself (i.e. blocked) or snmpd is denying them once it sees 
them (i.e. bad community or bad source ip).


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