killing port forwarding
Brad Cox
brad at
Tue Jun 26 16:39:21 PDT 2001
iptables -I INPUT --source <IP> -j DENY
This will cut him off from sending packets, the other direction should work
itself out.
iptables -D INPUT --source <IP> -j DENY
This will restore him.
I believe changing iptables for ipchains should work. If you are using
2.4 (it may work with 2.2, haven't tried), you could also use the utils
from iproute2 (pkg iproute). That would be:
ip route add blackhole <IP>
ip route del blackhole <IP>
On Tue, Jun 26, 2001 at 03:59:16PM -0700, Leif Ryge wrote:
> I've got my linux box doing IP Masquarding for my home lan, and quite
> often I'll ssh in from work and find things running painfully slow because
> one of my roommates left gnutella open on their windows box and there's 90
> some entries in the netstat -M listing as a result. Is there an easy way
> to nuke all those entries and get some of my (very limited) bandwidth
> back? When I'm at home this isn't an issue since I can just walk over to
> their pc and quit the gnutella client, but right now at work I can't
> exactly do that.
Brad Cox, KB1CZQ brad at
Q: Do you know what the death rate around here is?
A: One per person.
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