Mind blowing tcp/ip black ops

error error at sonic.net
Tue Dec 3 15:11:16 PST 2002

On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 14:53, ME wrote:
> I liked the description for MINEWT and PHENOTROPY. The PARATRACE is a
> rather clever solution to avoidance of icmp traceroutes and second
> connections.

I haven't gotten phenotropy up and running with open qvis yet.
Has anyone else?

Minewt is just plain mind blowing.
I never even imagined the ability to do MAT in real applications.
Well there it is.

My favourite part of paratrace is that it really breaks through hard

Scanrand is really really fast.

I have scanned some large private ip space (10.x) with many many hosts
and been done in less than 5 seconds.

They did an (authorised) scan of a corp[s]erate class be and returned
8000 something webservers in 4 seconds.

This is some really powerful stuff.
Scanrand in my tests is faster than nmap.
65,000 port scans at once to one box if you want :)

Its really really good stuff.

error <error at sonic.net>

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