Another NFS nightmare
Lincoln Peters
lincoln_peters at
Sun Mar 24 19:59:16 PST 2002
This is not a netbooting client or server. It's my home computer and I was
using it to test the NFS service before I brought the server on campus.
>From: ME <dugan at>
>Reply-To: <talk at>
>To: talk at
>Subject: Re: Another NFS nightmare
>Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 19:23:25 -0800 (PST)
>On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Lincoln Peters wrote:
> > When I do that, lsof hangs. It produces no output, even if I don't grep
>At this point, you may want to examine creating a new exported system
>Did you use tar when you made the first one? There are, and have been bugs
>in tar for handling certain dev special files, and some flags on some
>files as well as symlinks. I found cp -aR much more effective in this
>arenawhen I set up my new network booting roots. Also another useful tool
>is symlinks (had to install it separate) to convert all aboslute symlinks
>into relative ones. (Useful when you are modifying files in the exported
>root whithout first chrooting to it so that you dont accidentally end up
>modifying the server's config files.)
>The exported system roots I have made "just worked" for booting the
>system. Certain applications did not work due to the export being "ro",
>but when "rw" the single station worked fine with memory being the only
>issue. (Setting up the "ro" was a big pain for 80+ stations to share the
>same exported root.)
>If you make a separate root env, then you can even compile your kernels in
>this env, and be certain everything is "there" that is needed. I do most
>of my package updates for the exported trees in chrooted env. The problems
>you report should not be occuring.
>As yet another test, if you have your exported root on a separate
>partition, and the "root" of that partition, then you could look into
>making another lilo entry with a kernel from this area and that kernel's
>"root" being that actual partition and see what happens from the server
>when you boot up. I suspect you will see the same problems. Perhaps some
>files are missing on your exported tree.
>If/when you make a new exported root, you can compare the number of files
>in that root to the root from where you copied looking for size and
>numbers of files to make sure they were all copied. A simple du -s for the
>root copied and the destinate should offer a very close to 2:1 ratio.
>Version: 3.12
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