New Jobs at SSU...
dugan at
dugan at
Fri Oct 18 18:28:08 PDT 2002
There is a position announcement at SSU for a Networking and
Telecommunications person, and a position being offered in the library
(my old position) for anyone interrested:
Networking job:
Look at the list of requirements for the stuff I did at one time:
The ranges for pay for most jobs *start* at the lower end of the pay
that is stated with a range.
I left my job in the library to complete a degree more quickly, since
they would not permit me to take more than one class at a time, and did
not see how my CS courses were related to the duties specified. Next
semester I am to be a full time student, and not too far from my degree!
If you like business-oriented atomospheres with little in common with
what you might otherwise find at a university/state job, but the pay of
a state job, and the security for a state job, then this is the job for
you! Once you pass probation, it is really difficult to be layed-off or
fired. Unless you are really bad at work, the only way you leave is when
you decide to leave! (Kewl stability, no?)
They are migrating away from OpenSource computing to commercial
proprietary software. You will note the heavier emphasis on the Windows
side of things. The ARS Server, web server, NC Server, Shell server, etc
are on Linux, but all new services have employed Windows. Expect to do a
lot of Windows work. They also are still using share based
suthentication and never migrated to the Domain system. Also, there will
likely be a need for them to become part of the campus Active Directory
and include campus authentication in the new services.
If any one of your NBLUGer, who I know, should get this job, I can try
to answer questions on how/why things were done the way they were.
If you have any questions about the specifics of the job or HR or what
it is like, I can answer your questions.
Deadline for the library OSA job is about a week away! (October 28)
Good luck!
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decode: about:
Campus IT(/OS Security): Operating Systems Support Specialist Assistant
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