[NBLUG/talk] #nblug IRC help
Walter Hansen
gandalf at sonic.net
Sat Aug 23 14:01:00 PDT 2003
Odd. Very odd. I tried it. It worked for one computer but not for the
other. I'm using mIRC as an interface. I even duplicated the install
from the working to the unworking and it didn't work. Ideas?
> On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 09:34:30AM -0700, Walter Hansen wrote:
> } What a wonderful resource this is. I just noticed that there was an
> IRC } chat room for the group which made me think: wish I could go
> there. }
> } Here's a poblem that I've had since I've had a linux box routing for
> my } network: IRC doesn't work for any of the networked machines.
> }
> } I once posted this problem to one of the sonic newsgroups and several
> days } later got pointed to a module that should do the trick, but it
> didn't seem } to work, or perhaps I did it wrong. My server is using
> firestarter for } nat/routing and is a RH 8.0 machine. I'm going to
> upgrade to 9.0 in the } near future. At the time I just droped it as it
> looked like it was going } to take too much time for a minor annoyance,
> but I really would like to } understand whats going on and fix it.
> Try
> /sbin/modprobe ip_nat_irc
> --
> E Frank Ball frankb at efball.com
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