[NBLUG/talk] What are your 3 favorite Linux Applications?

ME dugan at passwall.com
Wed May 21 22:15:01 PDT 2003

If you could choose 3 applications (and only 3 applications) in Linux
beyond the "standard" tools (perl, command-line tools like sed, awk, ls,
screen, cut, cp, etc.) what 3 applications would they be?

(This does not count services like sshd, apache, ntpd, etc.)

Some examples:
a web browser other than Mozilla or lynx or the other "links"
Return to Castle Wolfenstein ;-)
A Windows Manager that you must explicitly select in your distro
   (not default window managers)

Feel free to reply directly to me and I'll summarize the results in one
post after 2 weeks.


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