[NBLUG/talk] OT division by zero OT

Nadina nadina at sonic.net
Fri May 30 23:01:02 PDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Zimmerman" <stevetux at sonic.net>
To: <talk at nblug.org>
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: [NBLUG/talk] OT division by zero OT

> On Friday 30 May 2003 07:15 am, Nadina wrote:
> > Nope, you're wrong.
> > Basically the flaw in your argument is the assumption that zero =
> > Zero as a number is different than the concept of nothing. A $0.00
> > exists and the amount of it is $0.00. But to divide a $6.00 paycheck
> > times isn't possible and thus has no meaning - it doesn't leave anything
> > with an amount of $0.00.
> I suppose you could say that it leaves six people with nothing. So,
> n / 0 = n * 0 = 0.  Thank you, Nadina.  You've helped me prove my
> point.

To whom?  Certainly  not to me. :-)

How does dividing a $6.00 paycheck among zero people leave six people with
nothing?  Six people end up with nothing when a $0.00 paycheck is divided
among them.

> Nope, you're wrong.
> Zero is quite synonomous with nothing.  Zero is a mathematical term;
> "nothing" is a colloquial term.  In mathematical terms, I can say that
> neither term denotes total absence.  I can say that the space in between
> the pipe and the right angle bracket of the following expression

Nope, still don't agree with your basic assumption that zero is the same as
nothing. Zero is a mathematical number representing a point along the number
line halfway between -1 and 1.  "Nothing" is not a mathematical term. Zero
is used to sometimes represent non-quantitative things ("That guy has zero
personality") but that usage of zero is different than zero as a
mathematical expression.

Interesting discussion, but not one that will convince either of us that the
other is correct!


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