[NBLUG/talk] XFree86 4.3

Kyle Rankin kyle at nblug.org
Thu Sep 11 11:01:02 PDT 2003

On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 10:54:16AM -0700, Rob Orsini wrote:
> Being a new Debian user with a ATI Radeon Mobility card on my Fujitsu 
> p2120, I'm looking for the most idiot proof method of upgrading xfree86 
> from 4.1 to 4.3 so that it can 'see' my card.  (I'm trying to avoid the 
> aforementioned "XFree86 upgrade Vortex")  I expect to be pointed to the 
> xfree86 instructions but am wondering if there are other options for me.
> Thanks,
> Rob

There are experimental X 4.3 packages available for Debian, simply add this
line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://penguinppc.org/~daniels/sid/i386 ./ 

and then apt-get update and apt-get upgrade 

By the way, you can search for experimental or other sources that aren't in
the standard Debian repositories by going to http://www.apt-get.org

Kyle Rankin
NBLUG President
The North Bay Linux Users Group
IRC: greenfly at irc.freenode.net #nblug 
kyle at nblug.org

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