[NBLUG/talk] code: PGh0bWw+PGhlYWQ+PC9oZWFkPjxmb250IGNvbG9yPSJ3aGl0ZSI+DQo0M1BS

ME dugan at passwall.com
Sun Sep 14 01:12:00 PDT 2003

munpack is part of a package (depends upon the system /distro for the name
of the package)

For the mail application to display any MIME-based attachments, the mailer
must :
1) be "MIME aware"
2) be able to recognize MIME boundaries for start/stop
3) be told what to use to deal with each MIME-part
4) have access to built-in libs/algorithms to "deal" with the parts of the
message based on the MIME-type. (This can be other apps too.)
5) have a message that *properly* specifies the MIME part appropriately.
(Spammers are notorious for trying to abuse standards and break rules to
try to fool mail clients to do theing they are not "supposed" to do.

Many of the GUI-based, mailers can do base64. Netscape was one of the
earlier adopters of this. I expect SquirrelMail can do this. Some of the
command-line mail clients have troubles. I think mutt can be configured to
deal with base64, but I have not looked into it.


Micxz Love (lovedialup.com) said:
> Thanks guys! That perl command worked great, I don't seem to have
> munpack on my system anywhere.
> Do these messages display correctly under windows or certain
> applications or is it just "dumb"?
> I promise not to post encoded spam to the list anymore!!! LOL!!

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