[NBLUG/talk] Economist on Open Source

Todd Cary todd at aristesoftware.com
Sun Sep 14 07:58:01 PDT 2003

Yes, I loved the article!  Articles in the Economist and/or Business 
Week give great persective of OS's from the business side.  Worth reading.


Bill Kendrick wrote:

>There's a great article over on The Economist's website:
>  Microsoft at the power point
>  (Governments like open-source software, but Microsoft does not)
>  http://www.economist.com/business/displayStory.cfm?story_id=2054746
>    "Why all the fuss? Modern governments generate a vast number of digital files.
>    From birth certificates and tax returns to criminal DNA records, the documents
>    must be retrievable in perpetuity. So governments are reluctant to store
>    official records in the proprietary formats of commercial-software vendors.
>    This concern will only increase as e-government services, such as filing a tax
>    return or applying for a driving licence online, gain momentum. In Microsoft's
>    case, security flaws in its software, such as those exploited by the recent
>    Blaster and SoBig viruses, are also a cause of increasing concern."
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