[NBLUG/talk] Dual Monitor configuration problem

Justin Thiessen thiessen at sonic.net
Mon Sep 29 10:44:00 PDT 2003

On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 07:13:49PM -0700, Rob Orsini wrote:
> I am having problems getting both monitors working with a new RH9 box 
> of mine.  I have two video cards: Nvidia (AGP) and a ATI (PCI).  I have 
> confirmed that each card/monitor works on it's own with my system by 
> switching the bios video setting between PCI and AGP.  I think my 
> XF86config file is in pretty good shape in terms of the required 
> sections. My current theory is that my system is looking in the wrong 
> place for the second video card, but I really don't know what's going 
> on.


One final thought I just had:

Is it possible that your ATI card is in a PCI slot that shares an IRQ with
another (such as, perhaps, your AGP slot)?

This is certainly possible with my $!#@$#% motherboard (Abit BP6). 

Just one more thing to think about.


Justin Thiessen
thiessen at sonic.net

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