[NBLUG/talk] newbie
argonaut at softhome.net
Thu Apr 29 11:09:49 PDT 2004
Sy Richardson wrote on Tue, 27 Apr 2004 23:22:26 -0700:
> just joined your group and am looking forward to learning
> linux.
Hey, Sy. Welcome. Hope you can make it to some of our monthly
meetings in Sebastopol.
> 1.i am wondering where you would suggest that i go to learn
> the basics of linux. there is a great learning center called
> webtorials.com for networking, voip, etc and i was wondering
> if such a resource existed for the linux community. perhaps a
> certain library book in the sonoma system.
> i have seem some tutorials but they all assume varying levels
> of linux prequal. i guess i need to start at the very
> beginning.... pretty fast learner.
Others have already suggested some excellent books. As for online
tutorials, there are a few. If you go to Google and enter "linux
tutorial" in the search box, you can take your pick of over 2.2
million hits. I took a quick look at the first on the list,
http://www.linux-tutorial.info/ , and it looks pretty good to me.
It doesn't assume anything. In fact, it doesn't even assume you
know what an operating system is. Of course, if you don't like
that one, there are over 2 million other possibilities to choose
> 2. i have installed redhat 7.3 and want to upgrade to redhat
> 9.0. i downloaded and burned the 3 CD images from redhat but
> the upgrade screen eludes me. i also put the bootdisk.img on
> CD #1. hmmm. i must admit i downloaded and burned the images
> on a xp machine because the linux was not cooperating yet. is
> this the problem?
Using another system to burn the CD images usually isn't a
problem *if* you do the right thing with the images. You need to
select the option in your burning software to "Burn CD from disk
image", or something like that. Do this to make sure you did it
right: pop the first CD into your computer and have a look at its
contents. If you see only two files, redhat-something.iso and
bootdisk.img, then you burned it incorrectly. (Your comment that
you "also put the bootdisk.img on CD #1" makes me suspect this.)
Look at the link that Nat W gave and try it again. If, however,
you've got the disks burned correctly, we'll need some more
information on just where exactly things are getting hung up.
Don't worry, we'll get you sorted out.
PS: If your computer is going to be a desktop system, you might
want to have a look at the Fedora Project
( http://fedora.redhat.com/ ). It is essentially Redhat version 10.
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