[NBLUG/talk] Universities
Stephen Cilley
hydro_mancer at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 23 11:56:35 PDT 2006
I went to Cal Poly last year. I realize this might be
something aside from the question that you are asking,
but I want to give you a big flashing neon warning
sign about that place:
Their whole administrative philosophy is kind of
bogus. Things are pretty sticky at that school if you
make a mistake. Most importantly DO NOT go into a
program you are at all unsure about. It's very very
difficult to transfer majors within the school and
they will make you pay dearly for your mistake.
I went for one year, but it only took me a quarter to
realize I was in the wrong major. I failed out after
three quarters and don't plan on returning. In the
fall I'm going off to San Jose state under their SE
As far as davis is concerned, the only thing I've
heard about them (and I heard this from Aaron) is that
they teach first year students in C/C++ instead of
Java like most other four year universities.
Both schools have nice campuses, but there is
something very pastoral about CPSLO that I've never
seen at another college. If you are going down to
check it out any time soon, make sure you set aside an
hour or two to walk up poly canyon, it's beautiful:
Best of luck to both of us for the fall, eh?
Stephen Cilley
--- William Tracy <afishionado at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm sorry that this is a bit off-topic. :-)
> I'm a computer science major currently at the JC,
> planning to transfer
> next fall. I'm considering Cal Poly SLO, and UC
> Davis; both have
> accepted my applications.
> Davis and Cal Poly both have computer science
> programs, but Cal Poly
> also has a software engineering program, which looks
> like it is more
> geared toward someone wanting to get a job in
> programming. On the
> other hand, it looks like getting a degree there
> will take at least a
> year longer that at Davis.
> Eventually, I want to get a job computer
> programming. I was wondering
> if anyone here could offer any thoughts from the
> perspective of
> someone in the software industry. If there's any
> graduates from these
> schools here who can comment, that would be great,
> too.
> The impression I get is that the degree you get only
> really matters
> for the first job or two; after that, it's all about
> where you worked
> before. Does this mean that it really doesn't matter
> where I go? Could
> anyone offer any thoughts on whether a software
> engineering degree is
> really going to be more helpful than a computer
> science degree?
> Thanks a lot!
> William Tracy
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