[NBLUG/talk] Linux Worstation Study - Help
E Frank Ball
frankb at frankb.us
Fri Jun 16 11:12:18 PDT 2006
On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 10:44:46AM -0700, Steve Johnson wrote:
} This is spammy to me, why'd the moderators let this through? Please
} nblug moderator, don't let this crap on the list.
} -Steve
} On Sat, Jun 10, 2006 at 08:47:44AM -0500, The Little's wrote:
} >
} > If you Qualify and Complete the attached linux workstation study (takes
} > 5-7 minutes)
} > and we will send you a 1 GB USB Drive for your effort.
Subscribers to the nblug lists are not moderated, only
non-subscribers. tlittle is subscribed to the talk list, so
there was no moderation, his posts are put thru automatically.
E Frank Ball frankb at frankb.us
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