[NBLUG/talk] CARPOOL Monday23June futuresalon.org CrowdOpenSourcedMobileDevices
john_re at fastmail.us
Sun Jun 22 17:08:31 PDT 2008
Ride offered from Berkeley if you will split gas/bridgetoll. Email me
your phone#.
futuresalon requests you RSVP at the link below too.
Please email me if you decide to go to this (even if you don't carpool),
so I'll get an idea as to if this event is of interest to NBLUGers.
Crowd and Open Sourced Mobile Devices Future Salon
O.K. everyone let's all stop the drooling over the iPhone. There are in
my opinion more interesting developments happening in the mobile
handheld space.
Two of them we will look at on Monday the 23rd of June at our usual hang
out SAP Labs.
First there is Ismael Ghalimi who gave away at his Office 2.0 conference
one year an iPod Nano, last year an iPhone and had the crazy idea, that
the participants of the conference could develop with him the device for
this year's Office 2.0. He calls it the Redux Model 1. In his own words:
The more interesting option would be to build our own device. By
that I mean designing, certifying, and manufacturing our very own
piece of hardware, all in the one year that separates us for the
next Office 2.0 Conference. Todays engineering processes make such
a challenge technically feasible, but for someone who has never done
it before, and has no engineering budget for it, this is virtually
impossible, so by all means, please assume that we will fail and
have to revert to option 1. But if you dare to dream with us for a
moment, feel free to read what follows.[more]
Last time I talked with him he was looking for a CEO for the venture,
but not certain whether it will be available for Office 2.0. Still the
approach of getting input from his network and publically develop a new
device is such a novel approach, that I invited him to speak about his
Buglabs_bug_2Another interesting development I found at Buglabs.
Doc Searls is convinced, that the IT industry is going to develop
similar to the construction industry. Check out this article:
This change in perception is tied to the relative (im)maturity of
the computer indus-
try; when it finishes growing up, it will look much like the
construction industry.
Now the folks at Buglabs have created a mobile base station that they
call the bug and they have many modules that you can connect to it like
Lego blocks. The cool thing is, that software as well as hardware is
Open Source, that means there is only a limit in imagination and funds
to possible extensions of the bug.
Jeremy Toeman from Buglabs will present their approach and current
status. He also promised to bring some bugs and extensions. It is going
to be very interesting.
Jeremy Toeman (JT) is an expert in digital media and consumer
technology. Over the past ten years he has designed, built, and marketed
numerous award-winning products in the convergence space. Jeremy is
currently the VP of Marketing for Bug Labs, and is also a consultant
advising companies on both product design and deployment as well as
non-traditional marketing (such as community-driven) strategies.
Ismael Ghalimi [LinkedIn], a passionate entrepreneur and fervent
industry observer, founder and CEO of Intalio, creator of BPMI.org,
initiator of the BPM 2.0 movement, producer of the Office 2.0
Conference, organizer of the Extreme Productivity Seminars, and
designer of the Redux Model 1. Ismael is an advisor to several
high-tech companies, including 3TERA, AdventNet (a.k.a. Zoho),
Buzzgain, Diigo, EchoSign, EveryTrail, G.ho.st, Move & Play, and
ThinkFree. Ismael is a professional scuba diver, instrument rated
private pilot, and American V-Twin rider. Ismael lives with his wife
and daughter in Palo Alto, CA, and can be reached at
ismael at itredux.com.
Future Salons have the following structure: 6-7pm is networking with
light refreshments proudly sponsored by SAP; 7-9+pm is the presentation
followed by questions and discussion. SAP Labs North America, Building
D, Room Southern Cross or Cafeteria depending on number of RSVPs. SAP is
located at 3410 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304[map]. Free and open
to the public. Please spread the word and invite others, but be sure to
RSVP so we know how many people to expect.
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