[NBLUG/talk] [fwd] Open Source in Libraries Survey
Bill Kendrick
nbs at sonic.net
Tue Jul 7 09:52:16 PDT 2009
Seen on the SchoolForge mailing list. Thought I'd help spread the word:
----- Forwarded message from Nicole Engard <nicole.engard at liblime.com> -----
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 12:27:24 -0400
From: Nicole Engard <nicole.engard at liblime.com>
Subject: [school-discuss] Open Source in Libraries Survey
To: schoolforge-discuss at schoolforge.net
Reply-To: schoolforge-discuss at schoolforge.net
I am working on some very very broad research on open source use in
libraries (I'm looking for info from those who work in libraries - and
with libraries/librarians) for a book I'm working on. The focus of
the book will be on software you can use that is open source. If you
have a chance to answer this brief survey to help me out that would be
greatly appreciated:
Thanks a bunch!!! (and feel free to share with others)
Nicole C. Engard
Open Source Evangelist, LibLime
(888) Koha ILS (564-2457) ext. 714
nce at liblime.com
AIM/Y!/Skype: nengard
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Sent from my computer
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