[NBLUG/talk] Commodore nostalgia
David Rosenstrauch
darose at darose.net
Wed May 13 13:07:34 PDT 2009
Jordan Erickson wrote:
> Ah, Zork. Admittedly this game was one of my Summertime bordem killers
> on the C=64, even though I had never figured out how to save games (had
> to start from the beginning each time! Yack! Of course, I was 5 years
> old...). Didn't matter though, killing the troll each time provided much
> excitement. I remember a bug in the version I had, too..from the
> beginning of the game, if you type 'run', it asked "What do you want to
> run?" Reply 'me', and it jumped you to the cave. Weird!
> This is just too cool: http://thcnet.net/zork/
Gotta love Zork! I went digging for it a couple of years back and found
that it's still available ... and runnable on *nix machines! (See:
http://www.csd.uwo.ca/Infocom/) So I built packages for it for my
distro (http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?O=0&K=zork&do_Search=Go).
The Zork1 package I made has 23 votes, so apparently there's some
other old school geeks out there are enjoying it too!
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