[NBLUG/talk] Health Information Exchange - Health Internet
Mark Street
mark at oswizards.com
Tue Feb 23 09:50:19 PST 2010
This is a big deal for us and for Linux so I thought I would post it to
the group. At the heart of Mirth Integration tools is Linux. We have
been working toward this for 3 years on a shoestring budget of grants and
raw resolve.
Thayer County Health Services and Redwood MedNet Demonstrate "Network of
Networks" Using Mirth Corporation's Meaningful Use Exchange
IRVINE, CA, HEBRON, NE, and UKIAH, CA - February 23, 2010 - Mirth
Corporation, the leader in commercial open source healthcare information
technology, working with partners at regional Health Information Exchanges
and Hospital Systems, announced a successful demonstration of "the Health
Internet" -- a network of networks through which patient data can be
safely and rapidly exchanged to place critical information at clinician
fingertips where and when it's needed.
By using Mirth's Meaningful Use Exchange (Mirth MUx) -- built on the
foundation of the open source CONNECT software developed by the Federal
Health Architecture program under the Office of the National Coordinator
-- California-based Redwood MedNet and Nebraska-based Thayer County Health
Services securely bridged their respective Health Information Exchanges.
They safely and successfully exchanged live patient records -- the first
such demonstration to take place between health information exchanges in
the U.S. using the CONNECT software. The successful demonstration showed
how patient laboratory information, medication history, and continuity of
care documents (CCDs) can be made available in real-time to improve
patient care and eliminate costly duplication of services such as
laboratory tests.
The cross country health data demonstration began on January 29th when a
patient went to an office visit at Thayer County Health Services. That
office visit was documented by an encounter note listing current
medications and a new laboratory test. Then, in the first week of
February, the patient took a sightseeing vacation to visit the Redwood
rain forest on the north coast of California. The patient scheduled an
office visit on February 5th at Alliance Medical Center, a Federally
Qualified Health Center in Healdsburg, California. During the patient
visit, Redwood MedNet enabled the clinic staff at Alliance to download the
patient medication history and lab test from the office visit the prior
week at Thayer County Health Services by using the Mirth MUx CONNECT
gateway. During the office visit in Healdsburg, the Alliance physician
noted the patient's prior lab test and medication history from Nebraska.
On the basis of this data the physician decided that a different
laboratory test was needed. After the office visit the patient walked next
door to the laboratory at Healdsburg District Hospital for the new lab
test. Within 45 minutes the electronic lab test result had been pushed
from the hospital lab to Alliance Medical Center via Redwood MedNet, and
the test result was also instantly available via the Mirth MUx CONNECT
gateway to the patient's primary care provider in Nebraska.
Mark Street, D.C., RHCE
Chief Technology Officer
Alliance Medical Center
(707) 433-5494
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