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<P>E Frank Ball wrote:
<BR>} E Frank Ball wrote:
<BR>} >
<BR>} > } I only know how to telnet, ftp and the rest from inside Netscape..
<BR>} > } there another way?
<BR>} >
<BR>} > there are commands: ftp, ncftp, gftp, etc ( ls /usr/bin/*ftp
<BR>} I tried it and got a prompt:
<BR>} ftp>
<BR>ftp ftp.sonic.net
<BR>ncftp ftp.sonic.net
<BR>telnet bolt.sonic.net
<P><BR>Thanks, I tried it (from a root prompt) and got:
<P>?Invalid command
<BR>} I have the web page for the model I am using:
<BR>} <A HREF="http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?prid=20&grid=5">http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?prid=20&grid=5</A>
<BR>} It works quite well on the 2 macintosh computers and my older PC
<BR>} Red Hat 6.2 using a Pentium 200 and 1.2 gigs of disk space. My guess
<BR>} is that I was using an earlier version of the kernel at that time...
<P>Newer kernel shouldn't matter.
<P> E Frank Ball