<p><b><font size="5" face="Times New Roman">Cell BE programming and extensions to Linux</font></b><br>
Link to Website: <a href="http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/offers/techbriefings/details/powerarch.html?S_TACT=106AH59W&S_CMP=LPTCHBRF&ca=dgr-lnxUG010Cell-BE-Briefing"><u><font color="#0000FF">http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/offers/techbriefings/details/powerarch.html?S_TACT=106AH59W&S_CMP=LPTCHBRF&ca=dgr-lnxUG011Cell-BE-Briefing</font></u></a><br>
Join us while we explore the details of Cell Broadband Engine (Cell BE) programming. This Tech briefing provides a comprehensive technical overview of the Cell BE architecture, programming models, and software development environment. You will learn all about Cell BE standards like the application binary interface specifications, SPE C/C++ language extensions, SPE assembly language specification, system-level simulator, Cell BE simulator debugging environment, and Cell BE extensions to Linux.<br>
Ida Momtaheni<br>
IBM Corporation<br>
425 Market St.<br>
San Francisco, CA 94105<br>