[SoCoSA/discuss] USB + PS/2 KVM ?

Walter Hansen gandalf at sonic.net
Fri Jun 2 17:03:24 PDT 2006

> On 6/2/06, Walter Hansen <gandalf at sonic.net> wrote:
>> I've found the USB Keyboard/Mouse to be less reliable as a bunch. It's
>> probably getting better, but I prefer to keep everything on ps/2
>> connecotors and only use USB for more real applications. This isn't
>> exactly your question, but it might help.
> One of my servers seems to have USB ports for kybd/mouse, so ps/2 isn't an
> option (unless I've overlooked something -- always possible, as I was
> treating
> the running server very gingerly as I examined it...)
>> We have a Trendnet TK-801R 8 port KVM. I have a small keyboard hooked up
>> to it and a stock white M$ optical mouse (USB) with the ps/2 converter.
>> It's always worked real good. It ran $200ish and the cords were about
>> $10
>> each. It also has keyboard shortcuts so you can switch without
>> physically
>> pushing the buttons on it. Works great in our M$/Linux environment.
> Hmm.  On:
> http://www.pcconnection.com/ProductDetail?Sku=5138017
> I see no mention of USB-capability for Trendnet's TK-801R
> Again, the vendor seems to make it hard to compare apples
> to apples...
> - Steve S.

The unit only takes ps/2. I was mostly mentioning it to provide
information on what has worked well for us. I'd imagine a USB enabled unit
by Trendnet would work as well.

The big reason I shy away from USB is I've had a computer loose USB
functions by hardware failure and such a failure is much more likely on an
active chanel like USB where people plug in just about anything. With
dedicated connectors for keyboard/mouse it's rather likely that you'll
have keyboard/mouse services even when things aren't going well. Reminds
me of the old days when my friend could use his mouse or his modem, but
not both at the same time. Yuck.

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