[SoCoSA/discuss] USB + PS/2 KVM ?

Steve S. northbaygeek at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 15:20:13 PDT 2006

On 6/2/06, Walter Hansen <gandalf at sonic.net> wrote:

> I've found the USB Keyboard/Mouse to be less reliable as a bunch. It's
> probably getting better, but I prefer to keep everything on ps/2
> connecotors and only use USB for more real applications. This isn't
> exactly your question, but it might help.

One of my servers seems to have USB ports for kybd/mouse, so ps/2 isn't an
option (unless I've overlooked something -- always possible, as I was treating
the running server very gingerly as I examined it...)

> We have a Trendnet TK-801R 8 port KVM. I have a small keyboard hooked up
> to it and a stock white M$ optical mouse (USB) with the ps/2 converter.
> It's always worked real good. It ran $200ish and the cords were about $10
> each. It also has keyboard shortcuts so you can switch without physically
> pushing the buttons on it. Works great in our M$/Linux environment.

Hmm.  On:
I see no mention of USB-capability for Trendnet's TK-801R

Again, the vendor seems to make it hard to compare apples
to apples...

- Steve S.

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