[SoCoSA/discuss] Mac OS X and Active Directory question

Sean seanvanco at gmail.com
Mon Mar 31 20:51:08 PDT 2008

My bad, we figured out the problem a few hours ago. The Windows server
had been restarted the day before, and apparently it broke the
communication between the two. When a user tried to access the Windows
server again, they were not able to, making it look as if they didn't
have permission or that a link was lost.

I suspect that if they (I didn't come into the equation until this
afternoon) had just rebooted the Mac, everything would have been fine.
Turns out they had changed the password on the Windows side not
realizing they needed to do the same to the Mac. After changing the
user's password locally as well, they were easily able to connect.

Thanks for the input!

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