[SoCoSA/discuss] SoCoSA's future

Eric Eisenhart freiheit at socosa.org
Tue Jan 6 10:05:25 PST 2009

On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 10:43:45PM -0800, Kevan Benson wrote:
> Eric Eisenhart wrote:
> >So, obviously the first Tuesday of January is out (it's tomorrow).  Do
> >February 3rd and March 3rd work for you?
> OK, I'm sure I can have something ready by February.
> As for what presentations we can do, here's what's on the table:
> 1) Using RT as a Ticketing system.  Extending RT to meet custom needs 
> (featuring our configuration that handles all tracking of our billable 
> hours).
> 2) Using GlusterFS as a clustered file system for redundancy and highly 
> available systems.
[snipped out 4 excellent topic ideas for purpose of current discussion]

> OK, so that's a lot.  The only presentations I feel confident I could 
> have ready by February are the RT and GlusterFS ones.  As for the rest, 
> people can vote on order of interest, and we can modify that based on 
> what we feel adequately prepared to present at the time.

Okay, based what you've said, I've set this up:

I believe you should be able to edit that page if you log in on the website. 
(contact me off-list if you need help.  IM or IRC is best)

Given the timelines, I think you should pick the topic you'd feel most
comfortable getting ready in 28 days...  We could let the list pipe up with
some votes.  My vote would be for RT, since it seems likely to be of more
interest to a wider audience than GlusterFS...

> Hopefully some other people can step in with some other presentations 
> between some we can do, otherwise we might get a bit burnt out (and I 
> may turn into a shambling mass of PowerPoint bullet points).

Yes, we should try for that, too.

I'll even let you in on my secret technique for finding presenters: look at
past and future topics for BayLISA, LUGOD, BALUG and other local groups,
pick out stuff that looks good for our group (a lot of LUG topic aren't, but
some are), contact somebody in the other group to get contact info and go
from there...
Eric Eisenhart <freiheit at SoCoSA.org>
SoCoSA Founder and President
IRC: freiheit on irc.socosa.org
AIM/yahoo: falschfreiheit
Jabber/GTalk: freiheit at gmail.com

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