[SoCoSA/discuss] Meeting next week (Tuesday, February 2nd)

Kevan Benson kbenson at socosa.org
Mon Jan 25 14:17:12 PST 2010

Day: Tuesday February 2nd
Time: 7pm for speaker, doors open at 6, be there by 6:10 for food order
Location: O'Reilly Media, Tarsier Room (behind the big metal tarsier)
                1005 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol; http://xrl.us/u6vz
Topic: File synchronization with unison
Speaker: Kevan Benson
Event Page: http://socosa.org/node/963

Unison is a file synchronization utility for UNIX and Windows that 
allows very easy file synchronization between two hosts (or with a 
slightly more complex config, more) over socket, IP, or tunneled over 
SSH.  Supporting two way replication, Unison is ideal for situations 
where changes are often made to both systems that need to be synchronized.

This talk will cover general features and use cases of Unison, including 
a case study for using Unison as the core architecture for the files in 
a multi-server web cluster.

Kevan Benson

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