[SoCoSA/discuss] Meetings

Jordan Erickson jerickson at logicalnetworking.net
Thu Jul 21 09:33:03 PDT 2011

On 07/20/2011 02:23 PM, gandalf at sonic.net wrote:
> I'm a both. Unless something really perks up my ears I have to mesh it in with my wife's TWO date nites a week.

Sounds like someone isn't too happy about having TWO date nites a week! =p

As for me, I hate to say it, but I'm just lazy. I hardly go to NBLUG
meetings. WebEx might be cool, I've never actually used it before. As
long as they have a Linux/web version ;)

Jordan Erickson (PGP: 0xDA470FF8)
LNS: (707) 636-5678  - http://logicalnetworking.net

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