[NBLUG/Announce] Gimp and Officer Elections on Tuesday (General Meeting)

Eric Eisenhart eric at nblug.org
Mon Sep 8 10:18:00 PDT 2003

This meeting is at our regular time and place.  Everybody is welcome.

WHAT: NBLUG General Meeting *AND* NBLUG Officer Elections
TOPIC: The Gimp, presented by Bill Kendrick
WHEN: Tuesday, September 9th, 7:20pm
WHERE: O'Reilly and Associates, Sebastopol

  Please try to show up a little earlier than usual.  We'd like to pass out
  ballots and have all the voting done by 7:35.  (starting at 7:25 or so) We
  hope to have everything counted and tallied by the end of the meeting.


  Many of you probably remember Bill Kendrick from his presentation on
  TuxPaint.  This time he's covering a more serious paint program that he
  didn't write himself, The Gimp.

  The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed
  piece of software suitable for such tasks as photo retouching, image
  composition and image authoring.


  http://nblug.org/members.shtml (a little ways down) has a list of the
  people nominated for each position.  We'll also have ratification of the
  NBLUG Constitution as an item on the ballot.  The proposed constitution is
  available at http://nblug.org/documents.shtml and we'll have a printed
  copy or two available for review at the meeting, as well.

  Three of the positions only have one candidate, we need a 2/3rds approval
  for that candidate to officially take office, so check the box if you
  approve of that candidate.

  Scribe has 2 people nominated, so simply check the box next to the person
  you'd prefer.

  For the "Directors At Large", pick up to 2 candidates, much like for
  school board elections.

  In the future we'd like to do this electronically, but for now the
  election is pencil and paper at the meeting.


  There will also be a GPG keysigning party after the meeting.  Contact
  augie at nblug.org if interested.

  September 27th: InstallFest at SSU; http://nblug.org/installfest/
  October 14th: General Meeting, topic TBA
  November 11th: General Meeting, topic TBA

If you (or somebody you know) might be interested in speaking to a friendly
group of 25-45 people about something related to Linux or Open Source,
please contact speakers at nblug.org.
Eric Eisenhart
NBLUG Co-Founder & President Pro Tempore
The North Bay Linux Users Group
eric at nblug.org, IRC: Freiheit at freenode, AIM: falschfreiheit, ICQ: 48217244

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