[NBLUG/Announce] General Meeting -- 2006-08-08: Cool Linux Multimedia Apps

Kyle Rankin kyle at nblug.org
Tue Aug 1 20:05:25 PDT 2006

Start: 2006/08/08 - 7:30pm
End: 2006/08/08 - 9:00pm
O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA
Speakers: NBLUG panel


The NBLUG panel is back and this time they will follow up their discussion
of cool Linux desktop environments with cool Linux multimedia applications.
Apps covered include mplayer, amarok and others.

Kyle Rankin
NBLUG President
The North Bay Linux Users Group
IRC: greenfly at irc.freenode.net #nblug 
kyle at nblug.org

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