[NBLUG/Announce] General Meeting (5-8-2007) - Cryptography

Paul Peterson subrosa at gmail.com
Sun May 6 20:51:45 PDT 2007

Start: 05/08/2007 - 7:30pm
End: 05/08/2007 - 9:00pm
O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA
Speaker: Aaron Grattafiori


Cryptography has been around since the days of the Pharos, and could
possibly be the reason for the birth of the computer as we know it. In
this talk, Aaron will touch on some of the highlights of crypto's long
history; explain some simple and more complex ideas/terms, following with
information about how this involves Linux. He will cover how to secure not
only, the files you hold on your computer, but your traffic as it goes
over the tubes, from mail to myspace. Aaron will cover some of the common
misconceptions and overview some basic to advanced tools available. This
talk will try to have information and tips for those brand new to Linux
and cryptography... but also advanced users as well. Qrzbf ner ehzberq.

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