pc/linux tcp/ip problems..
Rick Moen
rick at linuxmafia.com
Tue Jan 25 19:21:24 PST 2000
Quoting Devin Carraway (aqua at atlantic.devin.com):
> OpenSSH also has the much cuter logo. It's available in rpm format
> (the usual considerations about binary-downloaded crypto apply) from
> ftp.zedz.net:/pub/crypto/, along with binaries of other software
> packages most people should be running. I haven't found any debian
> packages of openssh, but probably because I haven't tried hard enough.
In potato (2.2), at least, package "ssh" _is_ OpenSSH. To get Ylonen's
semi-proprietary ssh, you apt-get install "ssh-nonfree".
Cheers, "Ceterum censeo Linux propaganda est."
Rick Moen -- Seth David Schoen
rick at linuxmafia.com
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