About the 2 macs and 1 linux on a LAN
John F. Kohler
jkohler2 at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 18 06:37:54 PDT 2000
Thanks for the information. I think I'll have to try and take it in little pieces, one
piece at a time.
My thought is to try to create a simple file, store it, retreive it, and edit it just to prove
I am up to the task.
Then, I think I'll try to find the file that controls the eth0 status in the boot sequence to
avoid that awful message:
Bring up interface eth0 insmod:/lib/modules/2.2.14-5/net/tulip.o: insmodeth0 failed.
Delaying eth0 initialization [failed]
This, apparently, does not mean that I have no connection to tulip or eth0 but just
that it cannot be established during the boot sequence.
I think I must manually install it _after_ the boot sequence has ended.
E Frank Ball wrote:
> } I think I know about a couple of editors: vi and emacs
> I use vi. It isn't friendly for beginners but it is very powerful and
> fast for experienced users. I will attach quick reference guide for vi
> that I wrote sometime back for training some people at work.
> } > PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin
> } > export PATH
> }
> } When that is added to the file or directory, what is the effect?
> } Is it possible for me to work at the root level and the user level at the
> } same time?
> Your PATH is a list of directories that tell where to look to find a
> command you type in, or a command you click on in some menu.
> If the path is in a directory that is not in your path, it cannot be
> found unless you type in the full path name such as /sbin/ifconfig
> You can see what your path is with "echo $PATH".
> For example here is my path:
> echo $PATH
> /home/frankb/bin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:./:/home/frankb/:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/hpegs/bin/
> You are either root, or a user, not both. root can do anything, users
> can do what the file permissions tell them they can do. In general
> regular users can look at most things, but can't make changes to the way
> the system runs.
> You can see the file permissions with "ls -l". Here are a couple of
> files from /usr/sbin:
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18892 Sep 20 1999 utmpd
> -rwxr-x--- 1 root root 19640 Sep 24 1999 vboxd
> ^ ^
> owner group
> The owner and group of these files is root, but the permissions are
> different. The permissions are defined by the "-rwxr-xr-x".
> The leading "-" denotes this as a file. "d" would be a directory, "l"
> is a link, etc.
> "rwx" gives the owner (root in this case) permissions to "read",
> "write", and "execute" the file.
> "r-x" give the group (root in this case) permissions to read and execute
> only. Write permission is not set.
> The last field, the other users field, differs between the two files.
> utmpd is set to "r-x" while vboxd is set to "---". This says that
> anybody else other than the owner or the group can read or execute
> utmpd, but they cannot do anything with vboxd.
> Permissions are changed with "chmod", see "man chmod"
> Owners are changed with chown, see man chown.
> Groups are changed with chgrp, see man chgrp.
> vi quick reference guide (also see "man vi")
> written by Frank Ball frankb at sonic.net
> last update: 07/18/00
> vi starts vi
> vi <filename> starts vi and opens file <filename>
> vi -R <filename> or view <filename> opens file in read only mode
> j or <return> move cursor down one line
> k move cursor up one line
> h move cursor left one character
> l or <space> move cursor right one character
> 0 move cursor to beginning of line
> $ move cursor to end of line
> H move cursor to top of screen
> M move cursor to Middle of screen
> L move cursor to Last line of screen
> w move cursor to beginning of next Word
> b move cursor Backwards to Beginning of word
> e move cursor to End of word
> ) move cursor to beginning of next sentence
> ( move cursor to beginning of previous sentence
> } move cursor to beginning of next paragraph
> { move cursor to beginning of previous paragraph
> z<return> move line with cursor to top of screen
> z. move line with cursor to middle of screen
> z- move line with cursor to bottom of screen
> <CTRL>f Forward one page
> <CTRL>b Backwards one page
> <CTRL>u Up one half page
> <CTRL>d Down one half page
> <CTRL>y move text up one line
> <CTRL>e move text down one line
> G Goto last line in file
> :n goto line number n
> <CTRL>g what is current line number, and total number of lines in file
> i Insert before the cursor, <ESC> ends
> I Insert at the beginning of the current line, <ESC> ends
> a Append after the cursor, <ESC> ends
> A Append to the end of the current line, <ESC> ends
> o Open new line below current line and enter insert mode
> O Open new line above current line and enter insert mode
> r Replace current character
> R Replace text until <ESC>
> cw Change Word <ESC>
> C Change rest of line <ESC>
> J append two lines together
> ~ changes case of character (toggles upper to lower case and back)
> xp switch character under cursor with the following character
> x delete character
> nx delete n characters (n is a number)
> D Delete the rest of the current line
> dd Delete line
> ndd Delete n lines (n is a number)
> dG Deletes the rest of the file starting with the current line
> :x,yd Delete line number x through line number y. "." =3D current line.=20
> "$" =3D last line. example ":1,.d" Deletes first line thru current line
> y Yank current line
> nY Yank n lines starting with current line
> p Place yanked lines after current line
> P Place yanked lines before current line
> fx search forward in current line to Find letter x
> Fx search backwards in current line to Find letter x
> ; repeat last f or F search again
> , repeat last f or F search again backwards
> /<string> search for <string>, will wrap around to beginning of file
> ?<string> search backwards for <string>
> n search for next instance of <string>
> N search in reverse direction for next instance of <string>
> u Undo last command
> <ctrl>r undo last undo
> . repeat last command
> n<command> repeats command n times, this works for most commands
> Commands starting with ":" are "ex" commands, see "man ex" for more info:
> :%s/<string1>/<string2>/g Global substitution of <string1> with <string2>
> :%s/<string1>/<string2>/gc asks for Conformation before replacing each
> instance. y<return> accepts change, <return> rejects change, <CTRL>c stops
> :r <filename> Reads in file
> :w Write to file
> :w <name> Write to file called <name>
> :w! <name> overwrite to existing file
> :q Quit
> :q! Quit without saving
> :wq or :x or ZZ Write to file and Quit
> E Frank Ball frankb at efball.com
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