k-12 and mailing list archive
Julian Plamann
jp at osnw.org
Mon Apr 1 11:12:26 PST 2002
For your information, the computer tech/network teacher at Windsor High School and I have been working to introduce the computer tech students to Linux. WHS recently purchased 25 or so hot-swappable IDE drive bays for this purpose. At the moment, there's a Linux server in the lab which will serve the Linux client machines. The students have been introduced to the server and have suggested interests in the workings of Linux. FreeBSD was also installed on one of the desktop machines in my attempt to broaden the perspectives of the students on open sources unices.
As far as the underlying operations of the school goes, it's still largely Novell-based. Once again, however, the computer techs are definitely considering migrating to open source software as the school _can't_ afford to pay the horrid licensing fees any longer.
Hope this was of some interest,
-- Julian Plamann (jp at osnw.org)
On Mon, 01 Apr 2002 13:54:06 -0500
"James Schweizer" <jimschweizer at consultant.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is anyone interested in tracking Linux use in K thru 12 schools in the North Bay?
> A couple of years ago I worked with a group of 12th graders in Novato who were interested in Linux/BSD - that group seems to have disbanded. Any other groups out there?
> Also, is there an archive of this mailing list that's searchable? If there isn't, I'd be happy to help out with making one...
> Regards,
> Jim S.
> --
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