[NBLUG/talk] RH question

Daniel Smith linux2002 at daniel.org
Wed May 21 17:23:00 PDT 2003

>	I'm installing RH 8.0 on a laptop (Dell C600) I've just received.
>This system is an i686. On the RH distro CDs are a lot of RPMs with the
>designation i386. Now, when dealing with kernel RPMs, I assume I'd use
>those marked i686, but how about other programs? If I try to use one that
>is marked i386, will it work or will my laptop start to generate large
>quantities of bluish-grey smoke?

Is it too late?  9.0 can be had...

If it a) isn't too late, b) you have the bandwidth, and
c) can burn 3 cds, you can get RH _9.0_ from http://linux-iso.org

I just installed that on a Toshiba 3110 laptop - so far
so good, except getting a wireless card going (Farallon Skyline)

Daniel L. Smith - Sonoma County, CA - AIM: SonomaDaniel
JavaJoint.com   - daniel.org        - ThereAndThen.org

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