[NBLUG/talk] 1) setting run level, 2) X11 server config
E Frank Ball
frankb at frankb.us
Mon Jan 10 11:29:23 PST 2005
On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 09:56:19AM -0800, Glen Gunsalus wrote:
} I've used sarge installer to get started on my IBM 600 laptop.
} 1) I'd like to start up with non-X11. In the past i've edited inittab
} to modify startup run level. Doesn't seem to work for me. How do I do
} this on sarge? What am I missing?
Debian doesn't use separate run levels for X11 and console like
Redhat/SuSE/Mandrake/etc, so editing inittab doesn't work unless you
manually setup different run levels to work with and without X11.
If you remove the symbolic links /etc/rc2.d/S99xdm, S99gdm, S99kdm
that will stop X from starting. There might be some settings in
/etc/default/gdm you can change too.
} 2) The default install gave me 800x600 display. I'd like to get
} 1024x768 but am a bit reluctant to run xf86configure since everything
} else is fine. Can I edit the onfig file by hand and, if so, where do I
} edit? I see the screen section has several lines with resolution. Any
} gotchas?
There is no xf86configure.
xf86config sucks really badly.
xf86cfg is somewhat better.
You can edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and change resolutions
easily enough in the Display section. If everything else is working
then that's the best way.
E Frank Ball efball at efball.com
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