[NBLUG/talk] vi with yello spaces
Barry Stump
barry at shrewdlogic.com
Tue Jun 6 08:14:25 PDT 2006
There are lots of handy things that can go into your .vimrc file.
Basically anything you can do with a :set command can be included in the
.vimrc file (without the colon) which will be applied every time you start
vim. Here's a snippet of mine below, comments start with double-quotes
(hopefully word-wrap won't screw this up):
set nocompatible "don't force compatibility with classic vi
set shiftwidth=4 "default indent width
set tabstop=4 "default tab display width
set autoindent "maintain previous indent when starting new line
set nohlsearch "don't highlight search results
set backspace=indent,eol,start "backspace over indent, end of line, start of insert
set showmatch "highlight closing brackets
set list listchars=tab:>-,trail:- "highlight hard tabs and trailing spaces
| Every morning I get up and look Barry Stump |
| through the list of the richest barry at stump.net |
| people in America. If I'm not there, barry at shrewdlogic.com |
| I go to work. - Robert Orben |
On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Stephen Cilley wrote:
> Add that line to a file called .vimrc in your home
> directory.
> Stephen Cilley
> --- Walter Hansen <gandalf at sonic.net> wrote:
>>> Whoops, I meant to say
>>> :set nohls
>>> -Barry
>> You're going in the right direction. The above
>> command makes them
>> disapear, but then their right back when you open vi
>> the next time.
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